2021 July Public Minutes
The meeting of the Avenel Board of Fire Commissioners District #5 took place at the Avenel Firehouse on July 22, 2021 at 7:02 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Vice President John Mitch followed by a moment of silence for the departed members.
Commissioners present: Comm. Dean Manente, Comm. John Mitch, Comm. Gregory Czoch, Comm. Bruce Mizak, Board Clerk Melissa Addie and Board attorney Eric Lange. Administrator David Eidson and Comm. Keith Addie were excused.
Notice of this meeting for the Fire Commissioners Fire District #5, Avenel-Colonia, Woodbridge Township, New Jersey was advertised in the Home News Tribune and Star Ledger, posted on the bulletin board at the firehouse and filed with the clerk of the Board.
A motion was made by Commissioner Czoch seconded by Commissioner Mizak to accept the minutes of June’s regular meeting and the Budget Workshop to dispense with the reading of the minutes and place a copy into record. Motion passed by those present.
- No report
Treasurer’s Report:
The Treasurers’ Report was read by Commissioner Czoch. The total fund balance for the month of June is $2,385,171.17. Motion was made by Commissioner Mizak, seconded by Commissioner Mitch to accept the Treasurers’ Report. A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.
- No Report
The total bills for the month of July are $185,342,60. Motion was made by Commissioner Mizak seconded by Commissioner Mitch to accept all communications and pay all bills. A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.
Calls for the month of July as reported by 2021 Chief Elbayar
Chiefs Call------------ 00
Bomb Scare---------- 00
Brush----------------- 03
CO Det---------------- 05
Dual Response------- 00
Fire Alarm------------ 22
Flood------------------ 00
Garbage--------------- 00
Haz-mat-------------- 05
Mutual Aid----------- 02
Medi – Vac----------- 00
Misc------------------- 04
MVA------------------ 18
Rescue---------------- 05
Structure-------------- 08
Water Condition------ 00
Wires------------------ 09
Vehicle---------------- 01
Good Intent ----------- 00
Drill-------------------- 00
Total call- month 82
Total Calls ytd 366
Dept. Manpower
Dept. Manpower hr. 340:04
Old Business:
- No Report.
New Business:
- No Report
Commissioner Czoch made a motion to open the public meeting, seconded by Commissioner Mizak.
- None
Commissioner Czoch made a motion to close the public meeting, seconded by Commissioner Mizak.
Good and Welfare: Congratulations and Thank you to Comm. Manente’s son for his service in the Military.
Commissioner Czoch made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Commissioner Mizak.The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dean Manente, President