2023 January Public Minutes

The meeting of the Avenel Board of Fire Commissioners District #5 took place at the Avenel Firehouse on January 26, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Dean Manenete followed by a moment of silence for the departed members.

Commissioners present: Comm. Dean Manente, Comm. Bruce Mizak, Comm. John Mitch, Comm. Greg Czoch, Comm. Keith Addie, Board Clerk Melissa, and Board attorney Eric Lange.

Notice of this meeting for the Fire Commissioners Fire District #5, Avenel-Colonia, Woodbridge Township, New Jersey was advertised in the Home News Tribune and Star Ledger, posted on the bulletin board at the firehouse and filed with the clerk of the Board.

A motion was made by Commissioner Mizak seconded by Commissioner Czoch to accept the minutes for December’s regular meeting and the Budget Workshop to dispense with the reading of the minutes and place a copy into record. Motion passed by those present.


  •  No report

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurers’ Report was read by Commissioner Czoch. The total fund balance for the month of January was $1,872,600.70. Motion was made by Commissioner Mitch, seconded by Commissioner Mizak to accept the Treasurers’ Report.  A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.


  • No Report


The total bills for the month of January are $70,237.19. Motion was made by Commissioner Mitch seconded by Commissioner Mizak to accept all bills and pay bills. A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.

Calls for the month of January as reported by 2023 Chief Boelhower

Chiefs Call------------   00

Bomb Scare----------   00

Brush-----------------    01

CO Det----------------    04

Automatic Aid-------   05

Fire Alarm------------    23

Flood------------------   00 

Garbage---------------   00      

Haz-mat--------------     05

Mutual Aid-----------    01

Medi – Vac-----------   00

Misc-------------------   00

MVA------------------    12

Rescue----------------    03

Structure--------------    06

Water Condition------ 07

Wires------------------    04

Vehicle----------------    00

Good Intent ----------- 00


Drill--------------------   01


Total call- month        72

Total Calls ytd            772

Dept. Manpower         16

Dept. Manpower hr.    252:06



Old Business:

  • No report


New Business:

  • No report


Commissioner Addie made a motion to open the public meeting, seconded by Commissioner Mizak.


  • None


Commissioner Mitch made a motion to close the public meeting, seconded by Commissioner Czoch.


Good and Welfare:  


Commissioner Addie _made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Commissioner Mitch.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Dean Manente, President

2022 December Public Minutes

The meeting of the Avenel Board of Fire Commissioners District #5 took place at the Avenel Firehouse on December 15, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Dean Manenete followed by a moment of silence for the departed members.

Commissioners present: Comm. Dean Manente, Comm. Bruce Mizak, Comm. John Mitch, Comm. Greg Czoch, Comm. Keith Addie, Board Clerk Melissa, and Board attorney Eric Lange.

Notice of this meeting for the Fire Commissioners Fire District #5, Avenel-Colonia, Woodbridge Township, New Jersey was advertised in the Home News Tribune and Star Ledger, posted on the bulletin board at the firehouse and filed with the clerk of the Board.

A motion was made by Commissioner Czoch seconded by Commissioner Mizak to accept the minutes for November’s regular meeting and the Budget Workshop to dispense with the reading of the minutes and place a copy into record. Motion passed by those present.


  •  No report

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurers’ Report was read by Commissioner Czoch. The total fund balance for the month of December $1,842,600.70.  Motion was made by Commissioner Mitch, seconded by Commissioner Mizak to accept the Treasurers’ Report.  A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.


  • No Report


The total bills for the month of December $164,106.61 Motion was made by Commissioner Mizak seconded by Commissioner Mitch to accept all bills and pay bills. A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.

Calls for the month of November as reported by 2022 Chief Strain

Chiefs Call------------   00

Bomb Scare----------   00

Brush-----------------    01

CO Det----------------    05

Automatic Aid-------   03

Fire Alarm------------    15

Flood------------------   00 

Garbage---------------   00      

Haz-mat--------------     03

Mutual Aid-----------    03

Medi – Vac-----------   00

Misc-------------------   02

MVA------------------    13

Rescue----------------    03

Structure--------------    02

Water Condition------ 00

Wires------------------    08

Vehicle----------------    02

Good Intent ----------- 01

Drill--------------------   01

Total call- month        60

Total Calls ytd            700

Dept. Manpower         18

Dept. Manpower hr.    257:22


Old Business:

  • No report

New Business:

  • Resolution to adopt 2023 budget.
  • Resolution to accept the Audit report.


Commissioner Mizak made a motion to open the public meeting., seconded by Commissioner Mitch.


  • None


Commissioner Mitch made a motion to close the public meeting, seconded by Commissioner Mizak.


Good and Welfare:  Would like to Wish Everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Commissioner Mizak made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Commissioner Mitch.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Dean Manente, President

2022 November Public Minutes

The meeting of the Avenel Board of Fire Commissioners District #5 took place at the Avenel Firehouse on November 17, 2022, at 7:20p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Dean Manenete followed by a moment of silence for the departed members.

Commissioners present: Comm. Dean Manente, Comm. Bruce Mizak, Comm. John Mitch, Board Clerk Melissa, and Board attorney Eric Lange. Comm. Greg Czoch and Comm. Keith Addie were excused.

Notice of this meeting for the Fire Commissioners Fire District #5, Avenel-Colonia, Woodbridge Township, New Jersey was advertised in the Home News Tribune and Star Ledger, posted on the bulletin board at the firehouse and filed with the clerk of the Board.

A motion was made by Commissioner Mizak seconded by Commissioner Mitch to accept the minutes for October’s regular meeting and the Budget Workshop to dispense with the reading of the minutes and place a copy into record. Motion passed by those present.


  •  No Report

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurers’ Report was read by Commissioner Manente. The total fund balance for the month of November $1,707,960.25.  Motion was made by Commissioner Mitch, seconded by Commissioner Mizak to accept the Treasurers’ Report.  A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.


  • No Report


The total bills for the month of November $160,812.25 Motion was made by Commissioner Mizak seconded by Commissioner Mitch to accept all bills and pay bills. A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.

Calls for the month of September as reported by 2022 Chief Strain

Chiefs Call------------   00

Bomb Scare----------   00

Brush-----------------    02

CO Det----------------    02

Automatic Aid-------   02

Fire Alarm------------    17

Flood------------------   00

Garbage---------------   01

Haz-mat--------------     04

Mutual Aid-----------    03

Medi – Vac-----------   00

Misc-------------------   02

MVA------------------    06

Rescue----------------    03

Structure--------------    06

Water Condition------ 00

Wires------------------    04

Vehicle----------------    01

Good Intent ----------- 00

Drill--------------------   01

Total call- month        53

Total Calls ytd            640

Dept. Manpower         18

Dept. Manpower hr.    284:15


Old Business:

  • Motion to appoint Thomas Mitch as Agency Aid. Comm. Mitch to abstain. All Commissioners present voted yes.  Comm. Addie was on teleconference for the remainder of the meeting.

New Business:

  • 2023 Meeting dates were approved.
  • Resolution to introduce the 2023 Fire District Budget


Commissioner Mitch made a motion to open the public meeting., seconded by Commissioner Mizak.


  • None


Commissioner Mitch made a motion to close the public meeting, seconded by Commissioner Mizak.


Good and Welfare:  

  • Keeping Ex- Chief Charles Halevaco in our thoughts and prayers


Commissioner Mitch made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Commissioner Mizak.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Dean Manente, President

2022 October Public Minutes

The meeting of the Avenel Board of Fire Commissioners District #5 took place at the Avenel Firehouse on October 27, 2022, at 8:42 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Dean Manenete followed by a moment of silence for the departed members.

Commissioners present: Comm. Dean Manente, Comm. Bruce Mizak, Comm. John Mitch, Gregory Czoch, Comm. Keith Addie, Administrator David Eidson, Board Clerk Melissa, and Board attorney Eric Lange.

Notice of this meeting for the Fire Commissioners Fire District #5, Avenel-Colonia, Woodbridge Township, New Jersey was advertised in the Home News Tribune and Star Ledger, posted on the bulletin board at the firehouse and filed with the clerk of the Board.

A motion was made by Commissioner Czoch seconded by Commissioner Mizak to accept the minutes for September’s regular meeting and the Budget Workshop to dispense with the reading of the minutes and place a copy into record. Motion passed by those present.


  • No report

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurers’ Report was read by Commissioner Czoch. The total fund balance for the month of October $1,718,963.39.  Motion was made by Commissioner Mitch, seconded by Commissioner Mizak to accept the Treasurers’ Report.  A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.


  • No Report


The total bills for the month of October $213,827.14 Motion was made by Commissioner Mizak seconded by Commissioner Czoch to accept all bills and pay bills. A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.

Calls for the month of September as reported by 2022 Chief Strain

Chiefs Call------------   00

Bomb Scare----------   00

Brush-----------------    02

CO Det----------------    03

Automatic Aid-------   05

Fire Alarm------------    11

Flood------------------   00

Garbage---------------   00

Haz-mat--------------     06

Mutual Aid-----------    03

Medi – Vac-----------   00

Misc-------------------   02

MVA------------------    06

Rescue----------------    01

Structure--------------    02

Water Condition------ 00

Wires------------------    08

Vehicle----------------    01

Good Intent ----------- 00

Drill--------------------   01


Total call- month        52

Total Calls ytd            587

Dept. Manpower         18

Dept. Manpower hr.    427:31


Old Business:

  • No Report


New Business:

  • Resolution #1 Setting forth the 2023 Commissioner salaries


Commissioner Mitch made a motion to open the public meeting at 6:35 P.M., seconded by Commissioner Mizak.


  • Career firefighters in attendance


Commissioner Mitch made a motion to close the public meeting, seconded by Commissioner Czoch.


Good and Welfare:  

  • No report


Commissioner Mizak made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Commissioner Addie.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Dean Manente, President

2022 September Public Minutes

The meeting of the Avenel Board of Fire Commissioners District #5 took place at the Avenel Firehouse on September 22, 2022, at 7:51 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Dean Manenete followed by a moment of silence for the departed members.

Commissioners present: Comm. Dean Manente, Comm. Bruce Mizak, Comm. John Mitch, Gregory Czoch, Administrator David Eidson, Board Clerk Melissa, Board attorney Eric Lange. and Comm. Keith Addie was excused.

Notice of this meeting for the Fire Commissioners Fire District #5, Avenel-Colonia, Woodbridge Township, New Jersey was advertised in the Home News Tribune and Star Ledger, posted on the bulletin board at the firehouse and filed with the clerk of the Board.

A motion was made by Commissioner Mitch seconded by Commissioner Mizak to hold accept the minutes for August’s regular meeting and the Budget Workshop to dispense with the reading of the minutes and place a copy into record. Motion passed by those present.


  • No report

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurers’ Report was read by Commissioner Czoch. The total fund balance for the month of September $2,661,289.99.  Motion was made by Commissioner Mitch, seconded by Commissioner Mizak to accept the Treasurers’ Report.  A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.


  • No Report


The total bills for the month of September $ 173,779.01. Motion was made by Commissioner Mizak seconded by Commissioner Czoch to accept all bills and pay bills. A roll call vote was taken with all Commissioners present voting in favor.

Calls for the month of August as reported by 2022 Chief Strain

Chiefs Call------------   00

Bomb Scare----------   00

Brush-----------------    06

CO Det----------------    03

Automatic Aid-------   05

Fire Alarm------------    15

Flood------------------   00

Garbage---------------   01

Haz-mat--------------     14

Mutual Aid-----------    03

Medi – Vac-----------   00

Misc-------------------   01

MVA------------------    07

Rescue----------------    02

Structure--------------    02

Water Condition------ 02

Wires------------------    08

Vehicle----------------    02

Good Intent ----------- 00

Drill--------------------   00

Total call- month        72

Total Calls ytd            535

Dept. Manpower         19

Dept. Manpower hr.    287:03


Old Business:

  • No Report


New Business:

  • Resolution – 2023 Annual agreement with District 7 for Dispatch services


Commissioner Mizak made a motion to open the public meeting, seconded by Commissioner Mitch.


  • No public


Commissioner Mitch made a motion to close the public meeting, seconded by Commissioner Mizak.


Good and Welfare:  No Report


Commissioner Czoch made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Commissioner Mitch.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Dean Manente, President

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    346 Avenel Street
    Avenel, NJ 07001

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